Grey’s Anatomy: Season 18 Episode 7 “Today was a Fairytale” - Review

posted December 21, 2021 in CommRadio, Arts & Entertainment by Savannah Swartz

After a two-week break, Grey’s is finally back with a new episode. Episode seven, “Today was a Fairytale,” features many plotlines that are typical for “Grey's Anatomy”.

Linc’s heart is hurting in this episode, while he and Amelia slept together in episode six, she still made it very clear she has no intention of marrying him.

Jo, being unable to bear his sadness, plans to cheer him up by taking him and their children to the park to see a play of “Rapunzel.”

The two friends are commentating the play, when suddenly, the prince falls while climbing Rapunzel’s hair.

The two doctors rush to his aid to find his leg split open and him clutching his heart. His co-star enlightens the doctors of the prince’s pre-existing heart condition.

Jo works on getting the prince’s heart to start, while Linc sets the fracture and stops the bleeding.

The duo waits for an ambulance that feels like it will never come. They use an AED machine to jump start his heart, when this doesn’t work, they realize he needs epi. Linc gets the idea that using EpiPen’s would be able to get the job done.

They find EpiPen’s in the audience and save the prince’s life. One of the Prince’s costars thanks Jo and Linc for saving the prince’s life and addresses them as a couple.

They immediately shut the actress down, but this sparks something for Jo.

Speaking of sparks, Amelia and Kai’s budding relationship is revisited this week. The two are continuing to work on the Parkinson’s trial while getting to know more about each other.

By the end of the episode, they make a scientific breakthrough, and Kai askes Amelia out to dinner. Amelia declines on account of having to catch a flight.

While Amelia and Kai’s relationship excites fans, there is still question if Amelia has truly moved on from Linc, because he has certainly not moved on from her.

Jo is about to confess her feelings for her long-time best friend, when Linc tells her he is going to wait for Amelia and that he does not need to be married to her, he just needs to love her.

This shuts Jo down, leaving the audience wondering if this will come back up later into the season.

Back in Seattle, Bailey is trying to recruit new doctors for the residency program but is struggling due to other hospitals sucking up to the residents with “swag.”

Winston was supposed to help Bailey at their stand, but Maggie is finally home and they spend some extended time together “celebrating” her return.

Meredith was also supposed to accompany Bailey, but she had to stay in Minnesota.

Meredith was supposed to fly home, but Dr. Hamilton demanded she come back for an in-person meeting. Hamilton is becoming frustrated with how quickly his Parkinson’s is progressing, and the doctor sprained his wrist after tripping when one of his feet fell asleep.

Hamilton accuses Meredith of not trying hard enough which makes her angry. However, later in the episode Amelia and Kai are the ones who do end up making the breakthrough.

Meredith ends up spending the episode helping Nick out with a patient. Nick requests that Meredith operate on a long-time patient of his.

It was hard to understand why Nick wasn’t operating on his own patient, but who wouldn’t want Meredith Grey to operate on them?

Nick was in the room during the procedure, which was again confusing because if he was in the room why couldn’t he operate?

However, during a tricky part in the operation it became evident that Nick had a deeper connection with the patient than he was letting on. Apparently, this was Nick’s childhood best friend who was also his kidney donor.

Obviously, Meredith Grey is not going to tolerate this in her ER, so she kicks Nick out.

Later when she asked him about not giving her the whole story. He said he didn’t want to put a burden on her and make her emotionally invested in the patient.

She explained to him that she becomes emotionally invested in every patient. This is the classic Meredith fans love to see.

The episode ends with Meredith introducing a defeated Dr. Bailey to a resident from Minnesota who is looking to transfer to Seattle.

Everyone ends with a win. Except there are still questions about Amelia and Kai; and Amelia and Linc. Along with that, fans didn’t see Owen or Megan at all this episode.

The rest of this season has a lot to resolve.

Savannah Swartz is a first-year communications major. To contact her, email