How Are Penn State Students Preparing for Finals?
How are Penn State students Preparing for Finals?
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. – For the first time in two years, finals for the spring semester are in-person. Students are studying in their lucky study spots to prepare.
What are Penn State students doing to prepare? CommRadio News spoke with some students to gain insight into their study habits. Johanna Pitner, a second-year majoring in public relations, has several finals she needs to prepare for.
“I took one final yesterday and I have two next week,” Pitner said. “I am studying a lot, I use Quizlet. I practice [Quizlet cards] over and over again. For my final story project, I need to interview people and write a story.”
She continued to explain how her weekend is going to look because of her finals schedule. “I have both of my exams on Monday, so I’m going to spend the weekend going over my notes and reviewing Quizlet,” Pitner said.
Unlike Pitner, second-year advertising/public relations major Andrew DelSignore has little stress on his plate.
“I have two exams, one for COMM 180 and one for management,” DelSignore said. “I am studying my notes for both classes. I am also trying to figure out the cumulative material and or the second-half-of-the-semester material. I am going to try to not overwhelm myself in order to get myself in the right headspace.”
Some professors and instructors hold their finals during the last week of school. Others hold their official finals at a specific time and location or the easy route: the Pollock testing center.
Check out this CommRadio article about students’ opinions on the testing center.
Emily McGlynn is a second-year majoring in broadcast journalism. To contact her, email