HUB Movie Review: Saving Mr. Banks

Story posted April 3, 2014 in CommRadio by Sofia Westin

It is the second American revolution in this movie, though this time, it’s about a Brit trying to keep her book (and not a big colony—also there are no guns).

This movie takes you back to California in the 1960s, as Hollywood was getting bigger and bigger with the years. It tells of the story of how the magical Walt Disney (Tom Hanks) tried to work with Mary Poppins author P.L. Travers (Emma Thompson) and get her to allow her book to come to life on the big screen. As we find out, Pam, I mean Mrs. Travers, gave the movie tycoon quite a hard time.

The movie follows from the moment Travers gets on the plane, to the end when the movie is finally done and set to premiere.

Apparently the story is somewhat inaccurate to what actually happened. Mrs. Travers apparently hated the movie, even though it won five Academy Awards, especially how her character Mary Poppins was portrayed. To her, it was an injustice. This is not what we see in Saving Mr. Banks, which seems to have taken advantage of its artistic license.

The movie received positive reviews from audiences and critics alike, especially towards the acting and story. IMDb users gave it a 7.7, Metacritic a 65, and RottenTomatoes top critics gave it a 74, making it a fresh tomato. It was said Hanks and Thompson were snubbed of Oscar nominations, but people seem to be over it now.

On the Penn State Scale...

1—when Penn State loses a game, 
2—an 8 a.m class (which are awful),
 3—a canceled 8 a.m class, 
4— free textbooks,
 and 5—free Creamery ice cream for a whole year...

Saving receives a 4.4. It is an absolute delight that brings so many smiles and laughs, and reminds you of why you love Disney so much (the place and the man himself). Not many really know about Disney the person, including myself, so it was great to see what this man was like (though he is maybe perfected a little bit for story purposes). The charm of the man who created Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, and eventually the most magical place on earth: the park itself.

I love that they picked Tom Hanks to play Disney because I believe Hanks is the most lovable American actor there is. He can do no wrong (he made you cry for a volleyball for crying out loud!) and he always amazes with his impeccable interpretation of his characters. He gives Disney the twinkle in his eye which you expected to see should you ever have met him.

In contrast, you have the ever lovable Emma Thompson playing the stiff Brit, Travers. with quite the cynical humor. Her character’s relationship with Disney is much like what you would expect when a Brit meets an American. They find each other vulgar based on their cultural differences. The banter between them is phenomenal.

This untold story is fun, sad, insightful and deep. You get a higher appreciation of what happened and how grueling it can be to get rights (Stephenie Meyer and E.L. James seemed more than willing however).

Now that you’ve seen all the trouble they went through to make this movie, pop in (no pun intended) Mary Poppins and see how well it eventually turned out.

*This movie will show on Friday and Saturday at 10 p.m. Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit will show Thursday at 10 p.m., and on Friday and Saturday it shows at 8 p.m.

Sofia Westin is a freshman majoring in broadcast journalism. To contact her, email