Centre News Digest for April 4, 2021
Happy Easter Centre County! Here is this weekend’s news brought to you by Madeline Miller. If you would like to see a certain story, don’t hesitate to reach out and message us n Twitter and Instagram!
Junior Madeline Krentzman authored a cookbook
State College Area High School Junior Madeline Krentzman authored a cookbook, “Bake With Love”, to help combat hunger in the community. All proceeds from her cookbook sales support the Centre County YMCA Anti-Hunger Program. Story by Devin Jackson from wearecentralPA.com
Local high school student’s “Bake with Love” project assisting Centre County Anti-Hunger programs
Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission
The 2021 trout season has begun, and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission has stocked 700 streams and 120 lakes with adult trout to ensure a lively season for local anglers. Story by Sarah Metts from wjactv.com
Wildlife officials: Streams, lakes fully stocked ahead of opening day of trout season
New 582 area code will be assigned
Since the supply of remaining 814 area code numbers is running low, a new 582 area code will be assigned to new telephone numbers in the community. Callers must dial 814 before placing a call now! Story by fox8tv.com
Mount Nittany Medical Center
Due to growing concerns regarding the recent uptick in COVID-19 hospitalizations, Mount Nittany Medical Center has announced that visitors will no longer be permitted. Story by Ashley Hayford from the Daily Collegian
Mount Nittany Health in State College to restrict visitors
College Township Council
Residents have voiced their concerns over the proposed student housing development in College Township, citing pollution and unsafe traffic. In response, the College Township Council began drafting potential pathways. Story by Marley Parish from centredaily.com
College Township residents are worried about a proposed development project. Will new pathways help?