New York lawyers monitor the polls in State College

Story posted November 8, 2016 in News, Election 2016 by Mrisha Sharma

Across Stratford Drive from the polling place at the Knights of Columbus Hall #4678, two lawyers from New York took turns in a lawn chair observing the vote.

Jeannette Koster drove more than four hours from suburban Westchester County in New York.

“I am here with my friend Margaret. We are volunteers for the Democrats to assist with poll observing. We are not poll watchers because we are not registered Pennsylvania voters, but we are legal observers,” Koster said.

Koster said she and her friend were assigned to this polling place, but were prepared to respond to potential problems anywhere in the borough. Koster says that this is her first time she's visited State College.

“It doesn’t surprise me at all that this lovely, seemingly middle class community is having a very quiet election day. People are well behaved. I have a feeling that it’s rarer than people really think.”

Koster says she has been a life-long Democrat and she is a huge Hillary supporter.

“I think Clinton is an excellent, excellent candidate. I think she is highly qualified, more qualified than perhaps anyone has ever been to run for president," Koster said. "She will be a phenomenal president.”