Penn State celebrates 100 days until THON

Story posted November 11, 2018 in CommRadio, News, THON 2019 by Rachel Darata

University Park, Pa. -- Penn State is gearing up for THON after celebrating 100 Days ‘Til THON
on Wednesday. Students’ school spirit was in full effect, with music, speakers and even THON
dance team performances. The Hub was filled with a sea of THON organizations repping the
100-day mark along with other students looking to get involved with the event.

Hospitality THON captain Maureen Heneghan says they have goals beyond just raising morale.

“It’s just a way to get excited," Heneghan said. "It’s the end of the one-day campaign, that we’re aiming
to raise $300,000 for THON’s total.”

Throughout the Hub, there were tables selling jewelry, crafts and other goods, all to raise money
for THON. Some students even cut their hair for the Wigs For Kids organization. Not only did
this celebration give back to the kids, but also to Penn State students. Raffles were held, with
prizes awarded to winners. Some students even got free basketball season tickets, with $10 of
each season ticket going back to THON.

Student Christine Nnaji says THON is a special day for the Penn State community.

“We’re able to come together as a family, as a PSU family, and impact lives of children who
have cancer, and to help them have a better life," Penn State student Christine Nnaji said. "To just put joy and smiles on their faces.”

The date for the 2019 THON is set for Feb. 15 to the 17. The countdown has now begun
with only 98 days until Penn State’s beloved philanthropy weekend begins.



Rachel Darata is a freshman studying telecommunications. To contact her, email