State Patty’s Day Thoughts and Expectations
STATE COLLEGE, Pa. — Now that THON has passed, Penn State students are ready to celebrate their fundraising success through the student-made holiday State Patty’s Day. State College apparel shops already have green t-shirts displayed in store fronts for the upcoming celebration.
Student-worker Kyle Daughtery is spending his first holiday in State College with a weekend off of work with some friends.
“Just hang out with some friends, have a great time, wear some green,” Daugherty said.
Daugherty works at Edge in the Warring Commons and said the coffee place won’t be open for the weekend.
According to another worker, the west side of campus doesn’t get much attention for the busy weekend.
This is also second-year student Journey Sosa’s first State Patty’s day and she is excited to see how it plays out. The 22-year-old plans on spending the “crazy” weekend in bars with friends and hoping things don’t get out of hand.
“It’s gonna be packed for sure. It’s going to be my first State Patty’s Day so it’s gonna be cool to see what it’s going to be like,” Sosa said.
Sosa thinks this weekend will be great for downtown State College’s businesses.
“Especially bars and stuff downtown, and apparel shops. I know they’re selling green t-shirts, so I know they’re getting a lot of money for that. So, I mean, I’m sure it’s really good for them,” Sosa said.
Alison Patton is a second-year majoring in broadcast journalism. To contact her, email