The Lone Campus Conservative
Aidan Mattis is a normal college student. He attends class, does his homework and goes to club meetings. In his spare time, he partakes in conservative activism projects on campus.
While many Penn State students are involved in THON, greek life or student government, Aidan enjoys engaging in political dialogue with fellow students. Sometimes, these conversations can be controversial.
Aidan majors in Medieval studies, but has an interest in politics.
He often sits outside of the HUB-Robeson Center at a ‘Change My Mind’ table, hoping to spark the attention of those walking by, with the goal being a respectful dialogue.
Most activism tends to from the liberal side of the spectrum. Aidan tries to give a voice to conservative students, or those who just might not have strong political opinions.
Outside of activism projects, Aidan wants to combat the bias in some academic classrooms, and encourage dialogue among peers in the classroom environment.