The Surprise Behind the Jewelry

Video posted December 8, 2015 in News by Kathryn Carlson


Georgia Gasperich has been promoted two times at Penn State University over 24 years. She works in the Facilities Resource and Planning offices within the Office of Physical Plant. She works with facility coordinators as a representative across the university to make sure all projects and renovations are complete. She has worked her way up the ladder and is now working towards a third promotion within the university. Her role at Penn State has changed completely over the years of working in her office. According to Georgia her office is a team of 15 and they work very closely to make everything run smoothly and every day brings something new to her plate.

After working at the university for 24 years and specifically in her office for 11 years, Ms. Gasperich has taken on a part-time job. She now works for Origami Owl, a jewelry company. Georgia says she is very passionate about her product, which also makes this job somewhat of a hobby. The company sells what they call Living Lockets. A customer can fill the locket with various little gems that represent different parts of their lives. These are sold through parties, online sales, or even one-on-one sales. Her favorite way to sell is to do one-on-one sales because she likes to have a connection with the customers.

Ms. Gasperich has started her own collection so that her customers can buy the gems and products on the spot rather than wait for the jewelry to come in the mail. She believes this is a way to get people to be more interested because most people do not want to wait to receive their products in the mail.

Georgia took this part-time job for a few reasons. According to her it is a fun hobby, but mainly after 24 years of working at Penn State, she is still not making as much money as she hoped. She says through selling Origami Owl products she hopes to make a little extra money to live more comfortably and she is looking forward to where this fun business venture will take her in the future.