THON 2020 Recap
STATE COLLEGE, PA – THON weekend has just wrapped up. Forty-six hours of dancing have come and gone. For some people, this was their introduction to the organization, for others, their swan song.
This year, THON raised a boastful 11.7 million dollars. Being a part of the fundraising experience and the community is something people don’t easily forget.
Sean Krumpe, a member of Phi Kappa Tau, spent his last THON weekend has a dancer for the fraternity. Though tired and exhausted, he would be more than eager to repeat the experience.
“As more of the emotional events happened during THON, I became more and more… thinking I would do this again,” Krumpe said. “I became emotional myself, as a lot of dancers I believe do. So, yes, I would definitely do this again.”
For some, THON is more that just fundraising. Tech chair Noah Gearhart recognizes the emotional aspect is just as important.
“You always hear about the 11.7 million dollars,” Gearhart said. “Don’t get me wrong, that’s super impressive. But the money isn’t the only side of THON, we also provide emotional support for families who are going to hard situations.”
Even though it’s over, THON committees will continue the fight against cancer as they prepare for next year’s dance marathon.
Blair Martin is a junior majoring in broadcast journalism. To contact him, email