Uncensored America preparing for another speaker at Penn State
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. – Penn State’s chapter of Uncensored America booked a room on campus for April 24 for its second speaking event of the 2022-2023 school year. The event and location are not finalized.
The booking is titled “Uncensored America Speaking Event” with the description “Upcoming Uncensored America Speaking Event. Speakers TBD.”
On Feb. 16, a meeting took place between Uncensored America and Campus Programming. Notes from the meeting booking included the following: “Speaker Alex Stein TCH, mentioned UPAC Deadline and Security Request deadline TCH and will need a speaker agreement.”
According to the booking, security was requested two months before the event asking for five sworn officers. The program cost is listed as $2,000.
Uncensored America posted on Twitter Thursday morning saying, “Get hype for the final stop of UA season 4 at @penn_state. Big announcement coming soon!”
They attached the video of President Benapudi addressing controversial speakers and Americans’ First Amendment rights. https://twitter.com/UncensoredAm/status/1643991964009005056?s=20
Previously, they posted a tweet two months prior saying, “UA season 4: coming soon. Buckle up, buckeroos.” https://twitter.com/UncensoredAm/status/1623335861407596546?s=20
The organization also posted a screenshot of a Penn State headline “Spring semester likely to bring more controversial speakers to campus,” on Instagram. That article can be found here: https://www.psu.edu/news/campus-life/story/spring-semester-likely-bring-more-controversial-speakers-campus/
Alex Sakal, a Penn State student, is the event contact, according to the booking document. Mr. Sakal didn’t respond to CommRadio’s request for an interview.
CommRadio also reached out to Student Affairs, University Park Allocation Committee, Penn State’s Media Relations and Uncensored America. These entities didn’t validate who is speaking.
The event information, booked through 25live, can be found here: https://25live.collegenet.com/pro/psu#!/home/event/1748392/details. This story was discovered through Twitter user @News4Mass, better known as the investigative reporter for Spotlight PA, Wyatt Massey.
The last event was in mid-October with right-wing comedian Alex Stein and Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes. A large protest and a counter-protest broke out ultimately canceling the event. Penn State and its President, Neeli Bendapudi, received backlash about how it was handled locally and nationally.
Police on horseback patrolled Pollock and Shortlidge Road to prevent an uproar, eventually they had to use their horses for crowd control after an unidentified individual discharged pepper spray into the protest.
This is a developing story.
Emily McGlynn is a third-year majoring in broadcast journalism. To contact her, email esm5378@psu.edu.
Izzy Charboneau is a second-year majoring in digital print and political science. To contact her, email ijc5186@psu.edu.