University Event Shows Students Opportunities for International Study

Story posted October 20, 2018 in CommRadio, News by Rachel Darata

University Park, Pa. -- Global opportunities are knocking on Penn State’s door, giving students
the chance to study abroad. In the HUB-Robeson Center Wednesday, the university brought in
representatives from a variety of programs to talk to students about international study.

Penn State senior Paige Wisehaupt says for her, studying abroad was a valuable experience.

“So studying abroad, I think it really allows you to like see different perspectives and see
different cultures and see how other people in the world live,” Wisehaupt said.

Multiple schools, including Arcadia University, Temple and University of Virginia can offer
Penn Staters transferrable credits for studying in their programs.

Associate director for Temple’s education abroad program Sara Sequin says Temple offers
many different opportunities for students.

“Aside from academics we offer a wide range of extracurricular activities, events, volunteer
opportunities to get students engaged with the local community,” Sequin said.

Other opportunities have a closer connection to Penn State, like the Ceeconnect Czechmates,
founded by one of Penn State’s very own.

Michael Elavsky, a former tenured professor in the college of communications, tailored the
Czechmates to the interests of students. It offers a competitive fall, spring and summer program,
and different internships for students to take while abroad.

“It’s the immersive experience," Elavsky said. "They’re in-depth with professional companies in a foreign
context, getting a holistic experience, beyond the bubble of ‘I’m studying abroad and just taking
selfies and getting drunk.’"



Rachel Darata is a freshman studying broadcast journalism. To contact her, email