King of Tattoos

Story/Video posted December 4, 2017 in News by Anthony Verderame



For my final project I went to King Cobra Tattoo Parlor located downtown on East Beaver Avenue. While at the tattoo parlor I interviewed the co-owner of the store Justin. Justin co-owns King Cobra with his brother. In the interview Justin talks about how he got into tattooing by learning from his brother. And that at first he was extremely nervous to actually tattoo on an actual person, but after doing it a few times it became common practice to him. Justin says that without his brother he would have never gotten into tattooing.

VGF0dG9vIGRlc2lnbnMgdGhhdCBKdXN0aW4gaGFzIHN0ZW5jaWxlZCBvbiBzb21lIG9mIGhpcyBjdXN0b21lcnMgTattoo designs that Justin has stenciled on some of his customers. (Photo by Anthony Verderame)

Justin also explains why someone should get a tattoo at King Cobra as opposed to another tattoo parlor. Justin says that the fact that all the different designs and patterns that the workers at King Cobra tattoo on a customer are hanging around the shop. Justin says that having different tattoo designs and pictures around the shop show that the employees care and have a passion for tattooing. 

Justin then shows me all the different tools and how they work for making a tattoo. Justin builds all the machines he uses to tattoo in his basement to make sure that the they work at exteme proficency. Unfortunately I was unable to video Justin actually tattooing a person because every time I went in to film there were no customers. Justin suggested that I get a tattoo but there was no way I was going to do that.