The Traveling Wall

Story/Video posted November 28, 2017 in News by Jeremy Stonesifer


STATE COLLEGE, Pa.- More than 50 motorcycles escorted a replica of the Vietnam War Memorial Wednesday afternoon as Penn State welcomed the Traveling Wall to Innovation Park.

The wall which holds over 58,000 names travels across the United States to honor those who served and gave their lives in the war. Penn State Outreach and WPSU hosted the wall from Wednesday, October 4 until Sunday, October 8, 2017.

Veterans from all over Central Pennsylvania came to honor their fallen soldiers. The United States Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force were honored at the opening ceremonies.

The arrival of the wall was greeted with the singing of the national anthem by an Air Force ROTC Cadet followed by speeches from retired veterans and Penn State Outreach.

The wall was then built for the public to come and pay respects to the fallen soldiers. Penn State Outreach also held an Education Day on Friday where students from the area could come and talk to veterans about their experiences in the war.

The Traveling Wall closed on Sunday where it would then move to its next destination.