Deradoorian - “Find the Sun” Review

Story posted September 23, 2020 in Arts & Entertainment by Grace Muratore .

“Find the Sun” is Deradoorian’s second studio album, coming five years after her first album “The Expanding Flower Plant” and eight years after she decided to break off from the band “Dirty Projectors” to pursue a solo career.

Angel Deradoorian, known professionally by her last name, said “a lot of these songs are about trying to reach yourself…because we come from a culture that doesn’t actually support this.”

“Find the Sun” speaks about just that. It features 10 tracks encompassed in a prominent theme of self-discovery.

A few of the tracks on “Find the Sun” were written over the course of several years, while others were written in just a few months.

The album opens with “Red Den,” with its intro consisting of jazz strings and the steady beat of drums, giving this track a powerful personality. Deradoorian sings with a sway in her voice, giving emphasis to the lyrics that describe being somewhere else and traveling from place to place.

“Red Den” sets the stage for the remainder of the album. Alternative instrumentals, along with sudden vocal shifts and changes in sound, are reflected in each song.

The vibes expressed in the opener carry over into the follow up song “Corsican Shores.” The steady pulse of drums slightly overpowers the soft-spoken lyrics. This track is lyrically somber, contrasting with the quick tempo created by the drums and guitar.

Three of the songs on this album are quite long, extending past the average song length. “Saturnine Night,” “The Illuminator” and “Sun” all contain very few verses, which are repeated over and over throughout the duration of each song.

While rhythmically, listeners could get lost in the catchy beats and instrumentation, it is also likely that they will be anticipating the end of these songs, which seem to drag on.

“Find the Sun” is sprinkled with metaphors, with the most significant ones being found in the title of the songs “Waterlily” and “Devil’s Market.”

Deradoorian sings “waterlily come out of your tomb” to symbolize rebirth and a new beginning after a seemingly premature death.

Deradoorian then takes the listener “through the devil’s market” which symbolizes the constant luring temptations of evil and the longing for things that aren’t what they appear to be.

The album concludes with “Sun,” which repeats “find the sun” and “sunlight” before slowly fading out. This last track appears to bring the album full circle.

Throughout “Find the Sun,” Deradoorian sings of being lost and trying to figure out what is real. After enduring different experiences that each taught a lesson, the album ends with her finding herself in the light, which is the sun.

Overall, Deradoorian’s album “Find the Sun” provides uniquely crafted songs which explore the realization of personal limits and breaking free from mental constraints.

The album is thought provoking and cohesive in its attempt to discuss the topic of self-discovery. The alternative sounds, pulsing beats and vocal ranges gives the album an oddly comforting feeling and reinforces the avant-garde style of Deradoorian’s songwriting. 

Rating: 7/10

Reviewer’s Favorite Songs: “Corsican Shores“ and “Devil’s Market”

Reviewer’s Least Favorite Songs: “Saturnine Night” and “Sun”

Grace Muratore is a sophomore majoring in broadcast journalism. To contact her, email at

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Grace Muratore

Junior / Broadcast Journalism

Grace Muratore is a third-year student from Fredericksburg, Virginia majoring in broadcast journalism and minoring in Spanish. She is a writer for the CommRadio arts & entertainment department, and works within the production department creating elements for various sporting events. Grace also is a field reporter and part of the studio crew for PSNtv, Penn State’s biweekly news show. Currently, she is interning with Penn State Athletics doing live video production. If you would like to contact Grace, email her at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).